Is it easy to clean carpets and upholstery? 

Cleaning the carpet, mattress, and upholstery is essential in any home. Why? Because we walk, step, sit, and lie down on them. On the other hand, it happens not infrequently to spill things on them. Especially if you have children in your home, they even eat sitting on the carpet or the couch or mattress. Respectively, food, liquid, etc., remain. We know how unpleasant it is to enter a room where the carpet is stained and the sofa smells terrible. It is good to clean carpets and upholstery 1-3 times a year, depending on specific conditions.

To ensure an excellent visual and healthy environment at home, experts recommend using the services of professional cleaning companies. They have a unique technique that helps remove dust, microorganisms and various allergens. After all, who doesn’t want to breathe fresh air?

Carpet care is easier than you think

How does deep cleaning have an advantage over a vacuum cleaner?

While the vacuum cleaner absorbs only surface and ordinary debris and dirt, deep cleaning achieves much more. We cannot keep our home sterile. The constant movement outside – inside is a reason to pollute our homes. Professional cleaning includes disinfection and deep and complete removal of 100% of contaminants and microorganisms, thanks to particular technologies he uses for maximum effect.

A friend of mine once shared that she decided to clean the carpet in her room by watching 1-2 videos on YouTube. She found it an easy job and set about doing it herself. But what was her disappointment when she realized that the job was not easy! Her experiment led to the poor condition of the carpet. Instead of cleaning the stains, they remained on the mat, which looked even worse. She realised that she had only damaged the carpet instead of cleaning it. Worried, she called and asked me to contact a professional carpet cleaning expert. Of course, I helped her by giving her suitable phones.

My friend was very pleased after taking advantage of the professional service. They cleaned not only the carpet but also the upholstery of the sofa. What a relief it was for her! She saved the life of the carpet and upholstery for a longer time with the help of experts. She even said that she received more value than the money she paid for the service.

Keeping the carpet and upholstery clean

I hope you are one of those people who love neatness and order. You have many reasons to clean and maintain your carpets through professional cleaning services. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. A healthier environment for you and your family.
  2. The look of the carpets will be flawless. It contributes to a pleasant and cosy atmosphere at home.
  3. If you clean the stains quickly, they will not remain permanently on the carpet.
    Over time, dirt and other dust particles accumulate on carpets and furniture surfaces. Regular cleaning will help remove stains, dust and odours. It will disinfect, prolong their durability, improve indoor air quality, and smell great.

Who should benefit from professional services?

Carpet and upholstery cleaning is not something that only people living and working in high-traffic areas should worry about. But also if you have children and pets. In these cases, your carpets suffer a lot of damage and need the services of experts from time to time. So, the best thing you can do is look for them, especially if you need more time, desire and knowledge to do the work yourself. However, we are talking about carpets, upholstered furniture, and mattresses that you may have in your home. Knowing that professional cleaners’ disinfection is safe for you and your family is essential. So you should not worry if someone in your home has asthma or allergies.

Other reasons to hire carpet and upholstery cleaning experts:

  1. You will save time and effort because you do not have to do it yourself.
  2. You may not leave your home. The cleaners will come to you.
  3. They will take care of stains of any kind, and they know which detergents will work best on different surfaces and the type of equipment to use.
  4. You will save money by not buying new ones, but continue using old carpets that look new!

Hire professionals trained to clean carpets safely without causing damage. They understand much more about cleaning because they do it every day. They are experienced experts in caring for your carpets or upholstery so that they are always clean, disinfected and free of allergens or anything else that may be hiding deep in the fibres.

How to extend the durability of the carpet?

With proper care, a quality carpet should last at least ten years. You are investing in a beautiful precious rug, and you want to be sure that it will continue to look good for a long time. What you can and should not do:

  1. The first thing is to vacuum it regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. You must do a few passes to ensure you have removed the dust and dirt.
    When you regularly and diligently vacuum the carpet, you significantly reduce its overall wear.
  2. Do not walk on shoes on the carpet. It is clear to everyone that you bring extra dirt into your home, and it leaves on the rug.
  3. Be careful because people often make carpets of delicate fabrics that do not withstand strong detergents and abrasion. If stains appear, clean them immediately.
  4. Rearrange the furniture so that the carpet only wears out in the same places.
  5. Do not walk barefoot on the carpet. Sweat and dirt from the feet will settle on it, which can lead to premature wear. Have house shoes or slippers.
  6. Professional cleaning is vital as part of the warranty on your carpet. It will make it look good and extend its durability.

How To Clean Spills On The Home Carpet

Whether you are having a party at home or just eating in the living room, spills of food and liquids on the carpet happen suddenly, in most cases, inadvertently. Indeed, children often spill all sorts of substances on carpets, rugs, and bedding at home. The good news is that with our tips for effective carpet cleaning, you can deal with the problem, and you won’t have to move the sofa over the stain to cover it.

“Yesterday, my little son pushed the cup of coffee, and everything spilt on the carpet. I panicked because I did not know what to do. And we bought the carpet only a month ago. I soaked up the liquid immediately with a paper towel. The only thing I remembered I had at home was a pack of degreasers. I had heard I could clean the stain with dishwashing detergent, but I did not dare. I was worried it would get worse. Then I sprayed some of the degreasers, and later the stain was gone. However, I need to determine if this method works for all carpets. Maybe I was lucky with mine.”

We often find such posts in forums where people share similar stories and look for solutions.

Food and drinks on the carpet are some of the most difficult to clean that homeowners have to deal with. Although such cases are common, many people need to learn how to fix them correctly. There is more than one way. But it is crucial to learn how to clean these spills properly. Otherwise, you risk damaging your carpet for a long time and the unpleasant feeling of constantly looking at the stain. And so:

  1. Mop up spilt food or liquid immediately. Pick with a suitable object as much as possible to avoid soaking. If the spill is more liquid, soak it with a clean sponge. If it is a harder food, carefully pick up the fallen particles with your hands.
  2. Soak the area with a clean towel or paper towel. That will remove excess moisture. It will also reduce the likelihood of carpet staining. For better results, pour warm water on the spilt stain before soaking it up.
  3. Cleaning solutions can do a great job. When you spill something on the carpet, dissolve a teaspoon of detergent (without bleach) in a glass of warm water. In most cases, you can handle this tool quite quickly. Apply it on the stain and blot it with a clean towel. After a few soaks, the carpet will be clean.
    But if the stains stick to the carpet, it is not good to rub it hard. Often when a contaminant gets on the carpet, we start rubbing the area, hoping to remove the stain. However, the actual result is a little different. Not only does rubbing not help, but it spreads them, and they become more prominent and more easily visible. Instead, the better tactic is to soak up. This technique is much more efficient and guarantees minimal damage and contamination to the carpet.

There is something else that can be useful. Always clean stains from the outside inwards towards their centre. This way, you will stop the stain from spreading to the side.

Do not despair of wine stains

If you inadvertently spill red wine on the carpet, you may have already come to terms with the fact that it is permanently marked. However, this is only partially true. There are ways you can clean the carpet even from such “aggressive” stains like this. For this purpose, as we said, you should not rub the carpet but absorb the stain to the centre. You need a towel, preferably made of soft cotton fabric. You should dip it well in baking soda.

Apply the baking soda over the entire stain with a gentle absorbent motion, and then let it soak for about 15 minutes. Then rinse the area with water and see how far the damage extends. Then pour half a glass of white vinegar, and fill the other half with tap water. Also, take a clean sponge. Dip the fungus into the mixture and rub the wine stain on the carpet.

You can then use baking soda again to rub the area once more and leave it to stand for a while, which must likewise be followed by rinsing and cleaning several times with water and white vinegar. Here we deliberately emphasize white vinegar, as its colour is the most neutral, and there will be no risk of other unpleasant traces and stains on the carpet.

The miracle of shaving cream

Surely you have not heard this because this practice is highly unpopular, but did you know that with the help of shaving cream, you can successfully clean different types of stains from your carpet? If you want to ask what stains, this is almost any type of stain, as long as the stain is not very old and has not coloured the flooring permanently.

The most effective are shaving creams as a spray, but others also work for this purpose. Spray the stain on the carpet with cream, then leave it like that. The required time for you to not touch the place is approximately 30 minutes, after which you can clean it with a dry cloth. If the spot is still not in good condition, you can easily apply the above procedure with vinegar and water.

You can achieve good results by cleaning up spilt food and drinks at home and with everything that every household has. If you still believe you will fail, you can safely order professional cleaning services. All stains are removed mainly with desire and knowledge of the composition of the tissue and the preparations used.

What we can do for the home carpets and their longevity?

Hi. Carpet care is one of the main topics and tasks in the household keeping. Carpets and rugs usually are an expensive investment, a design accent and a place of meetings and sharing at home, so their condition has a significant influence on the whole domestic atmosphere.
In case we want to protect the fibres, it is necessary to avoid the long periods without washing them. It would be a good idea to observe the high-traffic zones where the foot dynamic is an intensive one. Be ready to clean those areas more frequently than you expect. When you notice mud, grime, particles, collect them, to eliminate their harmful spread all over the dwellings. Some of the housewives prefer to take a little bit time for vacuuming, for example, instead of seeing awful traces in the entire indoor space.
That is one of the secrets for clean and shine carpets, in my opinion: regular washing and routine care. You can choose to treat them with powdered products or with a foam of soft dish soap, for instance. Bubbles can absorb the heavy dirt, you know. Here are some more ideas:

In my view, the essential home rule would be no-shoes-indoors. That is a secure option for easy carpet maintaining and perfect cleanliness.